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Our Student Ministry’s purpose is to make, equip, and send Disciples of Christ. We desire to empower students to live out their faith in all aspects of life and lead others to Christ. We desire to equip, encourage, and empower parents to build a stronger relationship with their student. We desire to develop strong students, not just a strong student ministry. We want students to join a church family for life, not just a youth group for a few years.

Each Wednesday night at 6:30PM we have a time of Bible studies and worship, along with fun and fellowship with other students.

Discipleship training is a crucial part of developing students. Bible Studies designed to deepen student relationships with Christ and also offer biblical answers to tough issues in life are offered on Sunday mornings at 10:30AM, as well as other short term studies throughout the year.

Each year our student ministry attend a christian summer camp. Camp is designed to evangelize and disciple students while also allowing them the opportunity to put into practice the discipleship and evangelism training given them. It is also a time for encouraging unity with other believers. Missions opportunities are also offered constantly throughout the year to allow students to plug into the community and share Christ in a tangible way.

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EFR’s student ministry is focused on relationships: our relationship with God, our relationship with our family, our relationship with others, our relationship to the church, and our relationship to the world.

If you have any questions concerning our Student Ministry, email Lindsey Dillon, student ministry leader:

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